Monday 24 January 2011

Well blow me down with a feather bonnet

Well our Pipe Major came back from sunning herself in Barbados for 6 weeks & what does she do. Only announces she is going back out there to live & giving up the band.  (And a happy New Year to you too Laura.)

Now its only the 3rd or 4th time she has said that, so who knows what will happen come April when the holiday is a distant memory, but I do wish she would make up her mind once & for all. Its very off putting, all this uncertainty & indecision.

It is really disappointing because the band is just beginning to flourish again. We have just recruited another 2 players into the Pipe Corp so now we have 15, ( includes 2 learners who are progressing very well). There is also a new arrival in the Drum Corp. He has some previous experience which is a bonus.

Mind you, its another opportunity to consider whether I want another go or not. We will just have to see how things develop, so watch this space.

May 2011.
Well we had a good old chat about the band & what everyone felt. I considered having another go, as I said, but decided in the end that it was better to have someone better looking & with more nimble fingers, to take us forward.

The lady in question is Karen (who is a little less likely to dash off to Barbados)  has been with the band for many years, first as a young dancer under Don Allen who was pipe Major, and later as my pipe sargeant. She has very very good & clear fingering and a good tempo so I am sure she will do a brilliant job.

So that lays the ghost to rest, having done my bit in the past I will carry on as best I can till the arthritis, which is beginning to make its presence known, stops me playing all together.

Unless another momentous event occurs this could be my last entry on this subject. Bye for now.