Monday 29 December 2014


Out of the blue I recently received an email from RAF Kinloss. The boys in the band are arranging the 65th & final reunion of the band as the station is about to close & the band will be no more. This is very sad & rekindles the fond memories I hold of my time there.

Apparently little is actually changing as the members are going to amalgamate with the RAF Lossiemouth Pipe Band, just along the road, but it just aint the same as they say. Hopefully I will get some picures to add to this entry soon.

Life in The City of York Pipe Band is continuing steadily & new life is gradually being injected into it. We now have about 15 pipers at various stages of ability but as usual getting them all at the same practice is something of a challenge. The drum corp is also recovering steadily from a mass exodus a while back. It just goes to show how you can't keep a good team down.

We have just been invited to perform with the 'Chieftains' at the York Barbican later in the summer, so perhaps that will entice members to come along to a practice session or two.

Since my last post I have also had a low profile at the band, due to a succession of medical situations. Hopefully they will improve soon as it is very annoying to have to miss both practices & functions.

Back soon.

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